Aftermath of the Halloween Sale / Studies on Vaping November 01 2014

Hey everyone!

So here's what things are looking like after the big halloween promotion we just did. All orders should go out between 2-3 days after you ordered. If there's any reason for it to be delayed further than that you'll be promptly contacted. Its a very small operation here so I am working around the clock to get your orders out in a timely fashion. 

That being said, the halloween promotion went great. We have so many new customer's trying us for the first time! And also many customer's trying us for their second or third time. I'm excited about both new customers and repeat customers. My goal has always been to build a niche of clients who truly enjoy my juice. 

If you ever need anything, feel free to contact me via email or phone (text/call). I make sure to get back to you right away. 

Also there have been some interesting articles/studies lately that I saw on reddit. I figured I'd share them with you here if you didn't see them yet. It really shows that e-cigs are a good thing, and this is something I'll be forwarding to my local city council as they're working on new legislation for e-cigs specifically in Santa Rosa. I invite any of you to do the same, just take a minute to check your city council's website and search "electronic cigarette" you should get something and be able to find out what changes they're considering. You can see who is the proposing councilman and email them directly.

I'll be sharing the following with them - 

Video - "The Most Significant Advancement in health care since modern antibiotics" -

Study - "Effectiveness of the Electronic Cigarette" -

Video - "Are E-Cigarettes Safe?" BBC -

Study - "Does E-Cigarette Consumption Cause Passive Vaping -

Study Article - " E-Cigarette Regulations Hinder Public Health Goals" -

Study - "Effectiveness of the Electronic Cigarette" -

Video - "Are E-Cigarettes Safe?" BBC -

Study - "Does E-Cigarette Consumption Cause Passive Vaping -

Video - "The Most Significant Advancement in Health Care Since Modern Antibiotics" -

Study Article - " E-Cigarette Regulations Hinder Public Health Goals" -

I urge you to take a few minutes out of your day to defend vaping from being regulated too heavily. I am on-board with some regulations such as child-proof caps, etc. But regulation preventing you from vaping on the sidewalk in front of your house, or in e-cigarette shops themselves, that is what I'm worried about. 

Hope you all had a great Halloween!
